A Buddy
I just spent the better part of a gorgeous Saturday setting up my new computer. Well, actually I sat next to Lynda, our Firstfruits IT person, and watched her set up my new computer. She is amazing. She has a part of the brain that I either did not receive or never downloaded!
I don’t know how us common folk are supposed to figure out such sophisticated technological challenges. I find it doesn’t even help to write down what the Geek Squad at Best Buy tell me to do. By the time I get home I don’t remember what half of the terms meant that they so quickly rattled off and I was too embarrassed to have them repeat three times. But I sure am glad they are there.
I really do appreciate people who have knowledge and experience that I don’t have. People I can lean on and learn from when I am confused and in need of direction.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have those kind of people available when you are in need of direction in your spiritual life? Someone willing to share their knowledge and experience of the challenges and joys of a life in the Spirit. Someone to guide you to the next right step as you focus more intentionally on growing in faith.
This new season of Firstfruits we are providing people you can lean on and learn from as you navigate the spiritual life through our Spiritual Sponsor program.
These spiritual companions are passionate about helping you find what you are looking for in your walk of faith. It starts with listening as you share your faith story; where you have been, where you are now, and where you wish to be. They can educate you on the Firstfruits Tracts and help you discern what offerings within those tracts might be just right for you at this time.
They are there for you every step of the way no matter if those steps go forward or backwards! As the quote on the wall at Firstfruits says, “We are all just walking each other home.”
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you want to learn more about this program.
I have heard so many women in the course of the last six crazy months say how lonely they have become. We thrive on relationship and need it now more than ever.
Our loving God wants to heal that loneliness with his presence but how do we feel his presence strongly enough to take that loneliness away? Often times, it’s through other godly women. If we have the courage to put ourselves out there, God is waiting to enrich our lives through the wisdom, the care, and the beauty of other spiritual women.
If you are interested in our Spiritual Sponsor program contact me at or 262-271-7859.
Be sure to look for my blogs in the coming weeks as I continue to highlight the “new” Firstfruits. Just pray that I can navigate my way through my new computer. If you don’t hear from me for a few weeks, call the Geek Squad. Better yet, call Lynda!
And don’t forget to join us on Sunday, September 13 from 11-2pm for our Food Drive and CARnival! Help the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary by donating food and join us in the CARnival FUN lane for some games from the safety of your car! See the flyer below or click here for details.
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