A Power Filled Lent
I have been mentioning the Holy Spirit a lot in my blogs this Lent. I am a big fan of the Holy Spirit.
Often, I hear people say they can relate to God, the Father, and Jesus but not so much to the Holy Spirit. The notion of the Holy Spirit as wind, fire, a ghost, or a dove just doesn’t help.
To me, the Holy Spirit is the power of the love between God, the Father, and Jesus, the Son. That love comes to dwell in us and brings with it gifts. That is a promise from God.
These gifts are readily and consistently available to us. The seven Sanctifying gifts (Wisdom, Counsel, Knowledge, Understanding, Fortitude, Piety, and Awe of the Lord) enable us to grow in our own holiness, become more Christ-like. The Fruits of the Spirit (Joy, Peace, Love, Gentleness, Kindness, Goodness, Self-Control, Patience, and Faithfulness) help build the Kingdom here on Earth and the gift of our Charisms (i.e. Encouragement, Teaching, Leadership, Service, or Evangelism) allow us to carry out the universal mission to bring Christ to the world in our own unique way that brings great joy to our lives, God’s goodness to the world and great glory to His name.
Baptism is the gateway of the Holy Spirit and Confirmation is the venue through which we receive another promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Dwelling in us and available to us is the same power that was present throughout Jesus’ ministry and witnessed to in all his miraculous healings. The same power that was present at the Resurrection, the Ascension, and Pentecost is dwelling in each of us.
God promises to gift us with that power. That promise is the Holy Spirit. And God’s promises are immutable.
That is what gives me the confidence to invite the Holy Spirit into my Lent, into my life.
We just have to claim it, ask for it, stir it up. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you make this Lenten time of reflection a power filled one. Ask for the power to pray more deeply, give more generously, fast more genuinely, look more honestly inward, and pivot back home to the Father who is waiting.
Stir up the Holy Spirit this Lent. Tap into the power.
Truth Be Told Video – Session 3, Week 1
Truth Be Told
Session 3, Week 1
Promise of the Spirit
Luke 24:44-49 Stay in Jerusalem
Acts1:1-11 Introduction and Ascension
Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost
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