A Powerful Love
Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday when we recall the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the beginning of the church. When this imperfect, yet committed and passionate band of followers were called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to begin to spread the good news of redemption, hope, and unity in Christ to the world.
The church’s work of building the kingdom here on Earth began then and continues to this day. That could only have happened through the power of the Holy Spirit. That same power is available to each and every one of us. No joke.
Who or what exactly is the Holy Spirit to you? How do you relate to this mysterious member of the Holy Trinity? Historically depicted as a dove, the wind, or tongues of fire makes it hard to relate to the Holy Spirit, therefore it’s often undetected and ignored in our lives.
The best explanation I have heard is that the Holy Spirit is the expression of the love between the Father and the Son. That love is so immense and so powerful.
That love powers the world and that love is in us.
Through the sacramental grace of Baptism and Confirmation we have been given the in-dwelling Holy Spirit and the potential to spread this powerful love to the world.
That powerful love animates our faith. It prompts us to bring our faith to life, to act on and not just rest in God’s love and provision. That powerful love informs our passions and prompts us to action when we see injustice and suffering.
Our responsibility is to be aware and respond to the promptings.
I have grown increasingly aware of the Holy Spirit prompting me personally and Firstfruits collectively to a greater awareness and a call to action relating to the issue of racism.
The culmination of these promptings came last Wednesday as I was preparing to start our weekly Zoom session of Well Time. An hour before we were to start, one of our Firstfruits participants and her son accepted our invitation to lead the discussion that day on their experiences and insights as a black woman and a black man.
The dialogue was rich, honest, and real. Which meant at times it was a bit uncomfortable but we became aware that the discomfort is key to the growth in understanding and unity. Those of us who were part of this came away wanting more. We sensed a beginning.
Maybe God is calling another imperfect, yet committed and passionate band of followers to begin to bring the good news of redemption, hope, and unity to a world that is hurting. Are you feeling that call? Are you willing to stir up and release the powerful love in-dwelling in you? It’s time.
There was a keen sense of something powerful at work during our dialogue. A powerful love. Hmm, maybe it was the “wind” … of change.
*Terry and her son Arthur have generously accepted our invitation to lead another Well Time session on Wednesday, June 17 at 6:30 pm. We have changed the time from our usual 2:00 pm to 6:30pm. If you would like to join us for this Well Time discussion, email Mary Stack at so we can put you on the Zoom invite list. (No need to re-register if you are already on our 2:00pm Well Time invite list.)
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