Blinded By The Light
My husband’s latest Amazon purchase is a SAD Light Therapy lamp called Happy Light. SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months when there are fewer hours of daylight. In the case of my husband, I would call it GSAD- Golf Season Affective Disorder which is a type of depression that occurs during the winter when there are fewer rounds of golf played.
The use of a light therapy lamp involves sitting in front of a special light box that emits bright, white light, similar to natural sunlight. Exposure to this light regulates the sleep-wake cycle and increases serotonin production which has an impact on mood.
In the User’s Manual for the lamp, it states: “When you are feeling sluggish and lethargic, sit closer to the lamp and/or spend more time with the lamp.” Their motto is “Your happiness is our priority.”
This Happy Light lamp box sitting on our counter has made me think about another source of light that we all should spend more time with. A source of more lasting happiness. A source whose birthday we are about to celebrate in a couple days.
This source lies deep inside all of us. A flicker, a flame, a roaring fire, it doesn’t matter. This Light dispels darkness no matter its intensity. One small candle still effects its surroundings. One small flicker of this Light has powerful effects.
There can be no complete darkness when there is even the flicker of this Light.
We have just completed another Advent. How did you do? Was it business as usual or were there moments when the Light flickered and dispelled the darkness of busyness and anxiety? Was it weeks of the usual discontent and disappointments or were there moments when the Light illuminated the love and goodness around you so brightly you gasped? Was it days of doubt and frustration or were there moments of clarity when you were blinded by the Light?
There is still time to seek the Light. Make this Christmas a true celebration of birth. The birth of that Light in you. Make it a daily routine to sit in front of the Light. Look for and celebrate the flickers in those around you. It’s a prescription for lasting joy.
Your happiness is His priority.
Merry Christmas,
I have come as Light into the world,
so that no one who believes in Me
will remain in darkness.
John 12:46
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