In an effort to shine a positive light on the events of the last couple months I would like to pose a question.
What if our world was turned upside down for a reason? What if these events are affording us a once in a lifetime chance?
One of my new favorite children’s books is Kobi Yamada’s What Do You Do With a Chance? In the book he describes the adventure of a little boy who encounters some remarkable chances but doesn’t quite know what to do with them. The more they come around, the more his fascination grows. Then one day, with a little courage he takes a chance and it makes all the difference.
On the inside flap of the book it also says “This is a story for anyone, at any age, who has ever wanted something but was afraid of risking too much to get it. It’s a story to inspire you. To embrace the chances that come into your life. Because you never know when a chance, once taken, might be the one to change everything.”
Regardless of your view on how and why this pandemic started, whether you lean to a more spiritual and philosophical reason or a scientific reason or a political reason, it’s hard to argue the fact that it has the potential to have a permanent and lasting effect on all of us. If we let it.
I’ve heard from many people that in their quiet time they have come to the conclusion that they don’t necessarily want things to return to the way they were. One person put it this way, she said “I need a remodel of my soul.” Now is the time.
Could your relationships use a fresh coat of paint? Could some of your old thoughts, actions, and attitudes be updated? Any emotional or spiritual walls you’ve put up that need to come down to make a more spacious room for God?
Now is your chance.
What do you do with a chance?
Note: In this quiet time it has become clear that God is giving Firstfruits a chance. A chance to join and support more women on their unique paths to a meaningful, lived faith.
We have been visioning and discerning just what that will look like and we could use your help. For the next few months I invite you to share your thoughts on the topics I will be presenting in my blogs in an effort to understand how God is working and what women need as a result of the awakenings and stirrings brought about by this unusual time.
This week I would love to hear from you about any chances you see presenting themselves to you as a result of the pandemic. What is keeping you from taking that chance? What would help you take that chance?
Comment on our Facebook page or you can text me at 262.271.7859 or email me at
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