God’s Mercy
As we become more intentional in our desire to grow in our discipleship, we open ourselves up to many blessings. We talked about the blessing of intimacy with God last week. This week we hear about another blessing of discipleship, only this one comes with a challenge. That blessing is God’s mercy.
It is there waiting for us to accept it, but that acceptance also means accepting our sinfulness. In order to experience the amazing mercy of God we have to first acknowledge our sinfulness and be willing to repent. That isn’t always easy.
As we grow in discipleship, God gently reveals our sinfulness. He lovingly takes us through a process of healing and growth. God’s light shines on our dark spots. The spots of sin that we have grown accustomed to and don’t even see anymore. It’s like those piles of stuff in our houses that we just vacuum around!
We should never be discouraged though. God’s mercy is greater than any sin. And it’s available to all.
As we grow in intimacy with God and we position ourselves, maybe not in a tree like Zacchaeus but in a place closer to Him than ever before, He will invite Himself in.
But with that invitation comes a housecleaning. Are you ready to get rid of those piles?
Truth Be Told
Bible References
Luke 15:1-10 Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
Luke 18:35-43 Healing of the Blind Beggar
Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
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