Listening. Learning. Loving.
After two weeks of dialogues on racism at Firstfruit’s Well Time series it has become clear that there is a lot of work to be done to heal the wound of this evil. That work begins with each one of us. Firstfruits is committed to helping us do this work. It begins with a commitment to listening and learning which are the first steps to the conversion of heart that needs to happen so that all receive the love that God intends.
Firstfruits normally doesn’t offer series in the summer but this is too important to delay. I hope you can join us for one of our Listening. Learning. Loving.-Conversations on Racism series in the months of July-August. In this four-week series we will be studying the USCCB (Untied States Conference of Catholic Bishops) pastoral letter against racism entitled Open Wide Our Hearts. In this 2018 letter “We are called to open our minds and hearts to Christ’s love for all people and to experiences of those who have been harmed by the evil of racism.”
We will offer the series in two formats.
Courtyard Conversations on Racism where we will gather outside in the beautiful courtyard at Firstfruits on four Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:00am. If you are looking to get out of the house and away from the Zoom screen, this is for you! Be sure to bring a lawn chair and your own refreshments. Please bring a mask also. (We will have some new and very stylish “Kiwi themed masks” you can purchase if you forget!) We will have to limit the size of the group so be sure to sign up early! For details and to register go online at Firstfruits.info/Events or contact Joan Carey at .
Zoom Conversations on Racism will be available also. The series will run for four Tuesday afternoons from 12:30-1:30pm. The Zoom group is limited to 20. So sign up early! For details and to register go online at Firstfruits.info/Events or contact Joan Carey at .
I look forward to doing this work with you. I am convinced change can happen and it happens one heart at time. Or in the very familiar words of a hymn that was sung at our wedding forty years ago…Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!
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