The Lazy River
This week I finally sent the email canceling our family trip we had planned for the end of May. To celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary we were going to take our three adult children and their spouses on a tropical vacation. The resort we were going to boasts of the largest and longest Lazy River ride in the world.
As the reality of winter in Wisconsin was bearing down hard these last months, I would close my eyes and just picture myself on one of those big inner tubes floating down the lazy river with the sun kissing my face. Not a care in the world. Just letting the movement of the water take me wherever I needed to go. Total peace.
That lazy river will have to wait. But I seem to have found myself in another lazy river of a very different kind.
During this third week of social distancing I have found myself surrendering. I’m waving the white flag. I feel as though I have settled into it a bit. I have come to the realization I can’t wish this nightmare away, I can’t worry it away, I can’t eat it away, and I can’t control it away. It is here to stay, for now. What I must do is accept that reality.
I had gotten tired of the undercurrent of anxiety and the battle to fight it. Instead of fighting the current, I decided to settle into it. To let it win. I’ve entered God’s lazy river ride. It’s calling me.
I’m going to let the movement of these unchartered waters take me where I need to go. Take me to places where God knows I need to go. I have to trust, be open, and be content. Lay back and go with the movements. It’s so much more peaceful than the fight.
I have to admit, I do still stick my leg out once in a while to try and touch the wall and feel like I am in control again, but soon realize it’s pointless.
As we begin this holiest of weeks in this craziest of times, settle into this lazy river of God’s complete and perfect love for you. Sit back, relax, and let him take you where it is you need to go with him. On this ride to Easter, let him show you sights you may never have seen before and draw you closer than you ever imagined.
Let the Son kiss your face.
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