Recipe for Victory

Last week I wrote about the devil. I don’t usually like to give the devil a lot of press, but I do feel compelled to tell you one more thing about him, and then I will be done. I promise.

I mentioned last week that it seems the devil is alerted when we decide to just be. Those times, when we stop the doing and busyness and desire to spend time in quiet being, seem to be when we can become captive to negative or anxiety producing thoughts. There is another time, when it seems the devil is alerted, and this week, I wanted to write to you about that.

Whenever we find ourselves using our God-given gifts to do good, a scouting report seems to get back to the devil, and it sets potentially destructive wheels in motion. Whether grandiose or barely noticeable, when our words, actions, or intentions are focused on building the kingdom of God here on earth, red flags go up.

Helping a stranger, encouraging a discouraged friend, sharing our God stories, organizing a community building event, or joining the board of a faith-based organization, these are just a few of the ways, big and small, that we use our gifts to bring Christ to our world.

The devil doesn’t like this and will do whatever it takes to stop us. He stops us by very subtle but powerful means. He knows our trigger points and fires right at them. He fills our minds with whatever is sure to paralyze us and render us ineffective. For some of us that is doubt or discouragement, memories of past failures, or reminders of perceived inadequacies. For others it’s fear and anxiety.

I fall into that last category. My call and my gifts center around helping others find God. Anytime I find myself using those gifts, I can be sure a bout of anxiety is right around the corner. Out of nowhere, anxious thoughts pop up. That fact used to cause me pause, but I know now what it really is, and I know I have an ally in my corner more powerful than anything the devil can throw at me.

I want to share with you what I have learned from my years on the battle field. I am nowhere near conquering all of the attacks in timely fashion but I have made strides.

My recipe for Victory:

1Cup of Self Care

I have found I am much more vulnerable to attack when I am hungry, tired, or sick. I’m especially vulnerable when I haven’t had enough to eat or enough sleep. Eat when you are hungry and sleep when you are tired. Take good care of yourself.

2Cups of Scripture

Find verses in the Bible that remind you of God’s power, provision, and love for you.
Have them on hand and easily accessible. Read them when the negative or fearful thoughts appear. Post them on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Keep them close.
Some of my favorites are: Ephesians 6:10-17, Isaiah 41:10, Isaiah 43:1-5, Psalm 23, Romans 8:31

3Cups of a well-stirred-up Holy Spirit

Call on the Holy Spirit. There is so much power available to us through the indwelling Holy Spirit. We need to take advantage of this gift Jesus promised to the apostles before he left them. He promised the Holy Spirit to guide, protect, encourage, and strengthen them for whatever was ahead.  That promise was to us too. Believe the Holy Spirit is available and there for you. Stir it up!

1Tbsp of deep breathing

1 bar of your favorite chocolate!

Blend this all together, and then rest knowing you will always have victory. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give in to doubt or fear. Keep using your gifts and listening to God’s call.

Victory tastes so good!

Joan Carey, Firstfruits executive director, is an author and speaker with a passion for helping women grow in their relationships with God. Her Ponder This book contains a series of modern day parables sure to get you thinking about and seeing our extraordinary God in our ordinary experiences. Joan invites you to use resources on this website for daily reflection in your journey to grow in God's loving care for you.
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