The Devil’s Switchboard
Last week I filled you in on what I learned while I was just “being” for a couple months. There is one other thing that was made clear to me during that time that I didn’t share with you.
I came to realize the truth in the old phrase, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” I can attest to the truth in that phrase.
Somehow, someway, the devil is alerted when we decide to just be. It’s like he’s standing in front of a large switchboard on which each of us has a light that lights up red when we are in a state of just being. The devil is alerted and plugs into the receptacle under our light to connect with us. Then he quietly, but relentlessly, converses with us. He whispers through the line. He brings to our attention those things that scare us, sadden us, disappoint us, and make us anxious. He fills our heads with doubts and subtle lies. He dredges up our failures and past mistakes.
I feel ambushed and defenseless when this happens. I can go down a rabbit hole of anxiety and worry and all kinds of dark feelings very quickly. My knee jerk reaction is to busy myself, both physically and mentally. I want my red light to go off so he leaves me alone.
I felt these moments of real warfare with the devil when I was just being. So many times, the negative ruminations overshadowed the pure joy and goodness that surrounded me. The peace and intimacy with God that is available when we are still was stolen from me bit by bit. I could feel it. I have felt myself headed for that rabbit hole many times in the past, but for some reason this time, I felt a strong desire to not let it happen. I was going to fight back.
As I was being taunted by the devil, the state of just being afforded me the quiet and the focused space to connect with the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit gave me all I needed to recognize what was going on and the courage to make the choice to fight back. This time fighting with the power of the Holy Spirit and not my own power. I didn’t run away by busying myself, I stood firm in the stillness and fought back.
And I won.
I won because I was able to live life with all its challenges, but not let them steal the life that God wants for me. A life of good and grace and freedom. I also won because I experienced first-hand the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit that is waiting if we call on it.
Are you afraid to just be? Afraid of down time because of what craziness might go on in your head? Are you afraid of what might happen if your red light goes off? Don’t be. Rest in just being and call on the power of the Holy Spirit to fight the battles as they come.
Don’t be afraid to just be.
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