A Dream Come True - FIRSTFRUITS

A Dream Come True

The Firstfruits second anniversary FUNraiser last week raised a lot of fun and much more. A big thank you to all who so generously supported us with your attendance, your donations, and your prayers.

There were definitely some powerful prayers being said because the anticipated rain didn’t arrive until much later than was forecast so we were able to move things out into the beautiful courtyard in the Village Court where Firstfruits has its new home. Ironically, the minute my head hit the pillow later that night, there was a loud clap of thunder and the downpour began. I smiled and said “Go ahead, bring it on.”

I didn’t care at that point because I had witnessed a dream come true.

At one point during the evening I looked out at the courtyard and saw a vision I have had floating around in my head for a very long time playing out right before my eyes. A crowd of men and women sitting at tables and around the wooden gazebo under twinkling lights eating, drinking, talking, and laughing in a very secular setting yet they were all there to celebrate the faithfulness and goodness of God. The common ground we all shared was a deep sense of gratitude and ever increasing awareness of the constant presence and love of God.

I stood out there to thank everyone for coming and to share with them stories of God’s faithfulness to Firstfruits. It felt surreal, a bringing together of the worldly and the other-worldly. Bringing God out of the sky and into the courtyard, into our everyday lives. A dream come true.

I felt so blessed that God had cared enough to make my dream come true. And he used many of you to do that. I am so grateful.

Being together with so many Firstfruits supporters, eating delicious, generously donated food from O’Donoghues, and dancing to an amazing band of local talent called No Expectations which includes a singing dermatologist as the lead singer, just added to the magic.

The Holy Spirit is alive and well at Firstfruits! In addition to the weekly events we have going like Weekly Word on Mondays, a bible study of the book of James on Tuesdays, and the ever-popular Well Time on Wednesdays we have some exciting new offerings coming. Because of the popularity of Well Time we will be adding an evening Well Time beginning October 16. If you have wanted to join us but work during the day this opportunity is for you.

We have a Love and Logic Intro session coming this week, a Fruit of the Spirit talk and Wine Tasting in November and last but by far not least, Tammy Groszczyk, catholic psychotherapist and popular Firstfruits presenter will be moving her practice to Firstfruits beginning October 1. We are so excited to have her with us on a regular basis. Her Divine Mercy Therapy Services is a welcome addition to the offerings God is providing women at Firstfruits.

If our anniversary celebration is any indication of things to come we better fasten our seat belts! Praise you God, for your abundant blessings!

My next dream come true, my own band with a singing ex-microbiologist in the lead! Start praying.


Joan Carey, Firstfruits executive director, is an author and speaker with a passion for helping women grow in their relationships with God. Her Ponder This book contains a series of modern day parables sure to get you thinking about and seeing our extraordinary God in our ordinary experiences. Joan invites you to use resources on this website for daily reflection in your journey to grow in God's loving care for you.
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