A “Let Go” Lent
I can get overwhelmed in Lent trying to figure out what to do and not do to make it as meaningful as possible.
We had Well Time on Zoom Wednesday morning at Firstfruits and we were sharing what books we were reading for Lent and what we were fasting from or trying to do more of. My head was spinning because I hadn’t yet figured out just what I wanted to do for this Lent.
I often find myself in that place where the things that are supposed to bring me closer to God and usher in a new-found peace and serenity, like new prayer practices or an inspirational book, end up doing just the opposite. They become a new chore or task hanging over my head that I can’t seem to find the time to attend to and then I feel guilty or discouraged.
This usually happens because I try to do too many things. I’m always planning my way to God and my plans aren’t always God’s plan. My plans are hurried and laced with a sense of urgency. I don’t know what I think is going to happen, but I try to cram so much into my spiritual life that often times nothing takes hold.
So, this Lent I have decided to fast from planning my way and I’m going to feast on being present in each moment to the movement of the Holy Spirit that will guide me to the prayers, the books, and the practices that will stick. I will trust that God will show me the way.
This week in Truth Be Told we finished up our study of the Gospel of Luke and caught glimpses of what is to come in the study of the Book of Acts, when the Holy Spirit enters the scene. In our study of the Gospel of Luke, we walked with Jesus and learned first-hand what it means to be a disciple. Jesus modeled for us The Way. The real way to God.
We saw that even the apostles, who witnessed the example of Jesus first-hand didn’t quite “get it”. Not until their eyes and hearts were opened by the power of the Holy Spirit.
They needed to fast from their way and feast on the Holy Spirit.
We all have that same indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. We just have to stir it up. We have to believe it and ask for it. This Lent, lean on the Holy Spirit to show you the way. Let the Holy Spirit plan your Lent.
Stop planning and start praying.
Listen to more in this week’s video.
Truth Be Told Video – Session 2, Week 6
Truth Be Told
Session 2, Week 6
Traveling The Way
Luke 9:1-6, 10-17 Feeding of the 5000
Luke 12:8-12 Speaking Against the Holy Spirit
Luke 16:19-31 Lazarus
Luke 24:13-35 The Road to Emmaus
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