Believe It or Bologna
Will wonders never cease?
As you recall from last week’s blog, my husband and I just celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary. I mentioned how clueless I was on our wedding day to the presence of God with us. I didn’t really understand or appreciate the promise in Ecclesiastes 4:12 that “A threefold cord is not easily broken.” It wasn’t until many years later that I opened my eyes and my heart to this reality.
I also told you about the marvelous gourmet meal that my friend Stacy and her daughter, Loralei, made for my husband and I out of the kindness of their hearts and how it was for us another sign of God’s presence and tender care.
End of story, I think not.
The day after the dinner we went over to our daughter and son-in-law’s house for what ended up being a surprise, socially distanced gathering for donuts and coffee with the family. As we came around the corner, this picture was snapped.
Notice anything strange, other than the fact that I’m carrying around our framed wedding photo? Like the ray of light we seem to be standing in? The threefold cord?
Overexposed film, faulty flash, or maybe just coincidental shading effect? You can smile and rationalize away these moments, but to me they are God’s glory made manifest in our everyday, jean wearing, red bag toting , bad hair day days. They are gifts from a God who sees us, hears us, and loves us like we can’t even imagine.
When these manifestation of the glory and presence of God show up, it’s our privilege and our responsibility to share them with the world so others may begin to open up to the possibilities. “Believe it or bologna,” I always say. That is the choice we have when faced with manifestations of the Divine in our ordinary lives. Believing is so much better than bologna, and a lot healthier!
Be open to the ways that God wants to shine His love and care on you. Watch for His reminders of His presence and promises. Especially during these challenging times. Watch for His glory made manifest in the simplicity of these unusual days.
And if you spot Him, be sure to let me know.
I hope you will consider joining me for Ponder This starting October 13 on Zoom from 12:30-2:00 where I will share more of my “Believe It or Bologna” stories in my Ponder This book along with discussion. To register visit Firstfruits.info.
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