Get Off the Fence

We have all been invited to come home spiritually this new year. More specifically, to come to our spiritual home that is Firstfruits. The invite came in the blog last week from the Spirit of Firstfruits. (I’m still recovering from that harrowing experience.)

So in an effort to knock you off the fence if that is where you are in your New Year’s resolution to come home spiritually, I’m going to devote this blog to telling you all about some new, really awesome, things that are going to go on at Firstfruits in this new year.

The We-Awareness Series
Following our study of the book of James last fall, which emphasized the importance of caring for the poor and putting our faith into action, many of the women who participated experienced a growing sense of responsibility and a deepening desire to answer the call to Christian stewardship and solidarity with those in need.

The Spirit of Firstfruits heard and answered those desires. We will begin a monthly series called We-Awareness in January. Once a month we will host an interactive retreat day with the leaders and members of different organizations that are providing help for those in need. The goal is to create oneness with those in need and a sense of empowering compassion within this newly formed community.

MacCanon Brown, founder of the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary will facilitate the first of the series on January 23 with some members of the Sanctuary community. MacCanon coined the phrase “We-Awareness” and will share with us her passion for the place of community in successful service to those in need.

Join Joan
Sitting at my computer each week, relaying random thoughts that come to me usually in the wee hours of the night, to an audience I can’t see, is my idea of the most fun you could ever have. It is such a privilege and a gift God has given me.

Then there is the icing on the cake, when I hear from one of you that you actually read those random thoughts and they had some sort of effect on you.

The comments I hear are so affirming of the fact that God is real and alive and in love with us. I hear the stories but wouldn’t it be fun if we could hear each other’s stories? If once in a while you could all join me at Firstfruits in the flesh! So, on Sunday, January 19 from 3:00-4:00, I invite you to come and join me and fellow blog readers for Join Joan. Take an hour away from the snoring husband on the couch or the kids you have been entertaining all weekend and join me and others from the Firstfruits blog community! I’ll have you home in time to make supper, or NOT!

February Fire
In the midst of the winter when the snow isn’t fun anymore and your resolve to be a better you has regressed back to being a tolerable you, Shelly Roder, member of St. Robert parish and certified Life Coach, wants to light a fire in all of us. She will be offering a three-part series on Sunday afternoons from 3:00-5:00pm called February Fire-A Women’s Winter Workshop to Ignite Action and Spiritual Growth. Through the use of guided meditation, scripture reflection, and group coaching to name just a few of the experiences, Shelly will help participants grow in emotional wellness and provide a venue for women to feel supported and connected to a community of women invested in spiritual growth. Just what Firstfruits is all about.

Called and Gifted (Tuesdays or Saturdays)
Once again this winter I will be facilitating the Called and Gifted Workshop. Second to writing my blogs, helping others discover their gifts and where God might be calling them to use those gifts, is my favorite thing to do. To be part of the journey of discovery of this intimate connection to God through our charisms or spiritual gifts is truly a blessing and a privilege. To see the smiles on people’s faces when they realize they are gifted in a powerful way is hard to describe in words. That God loves you so much to give you gifts that fit you perfectly and bring such joy to your life is amazing and hard to believe. If you haven’t taken the time to delve into this amazing truth of your giftedness I encourage you to take the time this winter. You won’t be disappointed.

In addition to these new offerings you are invited to join us for some of the tried and true spiritual opportunities that have become staples at Firstfruits like Clutter Busters, Well Time, and Weekly Word. Checkout our website at for details on these offerings.

So much good stuff for what ails ya. You just have to get off that fence!


Joan Carey, Firstfruits executive director, is an author and speaker with a passion for helping women grow in their relationships with God. Her Ponder This book contains a series of modern day parables sure to get you thinking about and seeing our extraordinary God in our ordinary experiences. Joan invites you to use resources on this website for daily reflection in your journey to grow in God's loving care for you.
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