Intimacy With God
Saying YES to discipleship has its challenges but it also has many blessings. The blessings far outweigh the challenges. One such blessing is intimacy with God. Imagine that! We can have an intimate relationship with God.
Hard to believe? That unbelief along with feelings of unworthiness are examples of the things that prevent us from experiencing this amazing gift that awaits us.
Watch the video and learn from these passages in the gospel of Luke what we need to do to know the deep connectedness and sense of belonging that is offered to each of us as disciples. (And find out what an adorable little giraffe has to do with it?!)
Truth Be Told
Bible References
Luke 7:1-10 Healing of the Centurion’s Slave
Luke 10:38-42 Martha and Mary
Luke 12:22-34 Dependence on God
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