Once Upon A Time
So, what’s your story? We all have one.
Some of us read more like a mystery, some a romance, and some an epic. For some, there are only a few chapters completed, others are putting the final touches on the epilogue.
Parts of our story can make you cry and parts will make you laugh. Some chapters are inspiring but some are down-right shameful.
In fact, that is a big reason why so often our stories never get read out loud. And what a shame.
Because our stories are meant to be shared. Hidden in each one is the footprint of God.
If we believe the Corrie Ten Boom quote that reads “Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see,” then we rest in knowing that our stories are perfect in their imperfection. Every bad choice, every missed opportunity, and all the unfulfilled potential are necessary chapters in our story that is still unfolding.
God gives us pen and paper to write our stories but is always near-by to help us edit if we decide there are some changes to be made.
Those changes I like to call conversions or transformations. And they are a gift from God.
There are times in our lives when the storyline becomes disappointing, confusing, or painful. When we realize the depth of our powerlessness to write the ending we desire so deeply, those times are invitations from God to draw close and give him a larger role in the story.
Those are the Moment of Grace chapters.
When we can share how God has worked in our own lives with others, we have the power to awaken an awareness that may not have been there before. We have an opportunity to give hope to those in similar circumstances and we can possibly bring the doubter one step closer to believing.
So much good can come from sharing our stories
I encourage you to be open to the times when God nudges you to share your story. Don’t underestimate the power in it to touch hearts and souls.
And they lived happily ever after,
Read the Scripture verses below and listen to the Truth Be Told video this week on the Conversion of Paul and Cornelius. They have great stories to tell you!
Truth Be Told Video – Session 3, Week 5
Truth Be Told
Session 3, Week 5
Acts 8:4-24 Mission in Samaria
Acts 9:1-19 The Conversion of Paul
Acts 10:1-11:18 The Conversion of Cornelius
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