The Sunshine of Victory
I opened my eyes this morning to a beautiful sunny day with the temperature at almost 60 degrees before 7am!
I felt like running a victory lap around the house! I had made it through the winter and spring of ‘19. For some reason the weather this past five months just made daily living a chore. I think we can safely say the worst is over?
I guess, if there is a redeeming factor in our winters, it’s that they make summer so much more enjoyable. If you never experienced frozen nasal passages, would you really appreciate that first warm breeze across your face?
Without the trials, the victories aren’t as sweet. Our tendency is to avoid the “winters” of life at all costs. No one welcomes trials but we all get them.
We need to be patient in them and look for God’s presence and welcome the healing that can happen as a result of our trials.
Did you ever consider the possibility that the tough circumstances in your life were allowed by a God who knew it was the surest way for you to grow in intimacy with Him?
The belligerent teenager is there to teach you forgiveness and patience through Him.
The miscarriage is there to teach you trust and hope in Him.
The difficult spouse is there to teach you unconditional love and perseverance with Him.
The fading friendship is there to teach you the shifting of this life and the everlasting life with Him.
One other redeeming quality found in the hard times in life is that without them we would never know the love that transcends space through the prayers of others. Have you ever been at the bottom and felt the prayers of others powerfully lifting you up? That is God’s love. That is the first warm breeze. And without the challenge we’d never know the love.
The more our lives are lived in Him the more beautiful “summers” we experience.
If you’re in a trial right now, don’t anxiously wish it away. Look for God’s goodness that is there in sometimes very subtle ways. Be open to a healing taking place in you. And feel the powerful love of prayer sent your way.
Soaking in the sunshine,
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