What I KNOW – We are Human Beings, Not Human Doings
I was born a human being, not a human doing. I know that in God’s master plan for us humans, he intended there to be more time being than doing.
Doing is necessary. Otherwise, how would the meals get made and the bills get paid? From very early on we are taught how to do. No one teaches us how to be. If we are blessed, we figure that out on our own. We figure out, through trial and error, just how much doing we can do before we need to just be for a while.
Just being is often harder than doing. It necessitates a slowing down. It gives a microphone to those voices in our heads that tell us that being is just downright lazy, unproductive, and wasteful. Shameful even.
God made us human beings and wants us to be with Him. Not just for all eternity but for here and now.
I have decided I have been doing a lot of doing and need some time to be. I feel God agrees. So, for the month of July, I am going to just be. I hope you will consider joining me.
I’ll be back at the keyboard in August full of more things I KNOW from just being.
See you then,
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