An Endless Love
When you read this blog, we will have had the last event of the 2022-23 Firstfruits season. We are gathering moms of young children for a special edition of our popular Well Time series. We are hoping to give these moms a time to focus just on themselves. A place to gather with each other and experience God’s love for them. That’s what we’re all longing for whether we know it or not.
God’s love comes in such fun and varied ways. The tricky part is being open to it and not being doubtful or afraid to admit it when it comes your way.
As I look back over this last year, I want to share with you some of the fun and varied ways God has shown his love in and through Firstfruits.
- A deepened prayer life in a very unexpected way
Who would have thought prayer could be so powerful through a computer screen? God’s love can’t be stifled by COVID or anything else. I haven’t experienced prayer as deeply as I have during our Abiding Prayer sessions on zoom.
- Fun conversation over delicious lunches
So many smiles and so much laughter at those high-top tables in the Kiwi Café as we nosh on the fan-favorite Kiwi Salad and homemade soups or chicken salad. And don’t get me started on the desserts!
- The wonder and simplicity of Well Time
We have been gathering at the “Well” for four years now. In person, then to Zoom when COVID hit. We have spun off to a Well Time that takes place after an exercise class at a local parish and three other traveling Well Time’s to local parishes for Lenten sessions. One group didn’t want to stop after the first six weeks so they are continuing. We have women from Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan coming to the well with us via Zoom.
What’s happening at the “Well” you ask? Nothing fancy, just what we women were wired by God for: conversation, affirmation, a sense of belonging, and uncomplicated love. Stop by sometime.
- A creative and fun Advent season
Reinvent Advent series brought the artist out in each of us. Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. It brought the artist out in some of us and the anti-artist out in others. You know who you are 😉 So much fun regardless of the outcome!
- Expressions of love through God’s word
God affirmed His love for us through the study of His word. Weekly, we had the opportunity to gather in person to be inspired and challenged by Jesus’ teachings, the prophets’ warnings, and God’s promises found in the bible. Scripture really became relevant and alive.
- A deep Lenten experience
We used Joseph Langford’s book, I Thirst, as our guide for Lent. It was so powerful. Spending forty days reflecting on how God thirsts for each of us, really thirsts, not just loves us unconditionally but yearns to be in relationship with us, shifted something in all of us that still remains.
- God’s faithfulness as I write these blogs
One of the greatest ways God has shown His love for me is His continued inspiration as I try to communicate through these blogs. Talk about varied and fun, He never ceases to amaze me with His creativity and ideas. Your responses are so encouraging and affirms in me that it really isn’t me in charge. I just provide the fingers for typing.
These are just a few of the ways God has shown his love. I could go on and on.
God’s love is endless and boundless. But for short periods of time, He has shown us how to capture it in a small space in the basement of an old building in the center of a small village.
It has made all the difference.
If you have been encouraged, inspired, or entertained by Joan’s blogs, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation to Firstfruits. Just as Joan’s words encourage so many each week, your donation inspires the growth and outreach of Firstfruits as we pray, plan, and prepare for a new season. There are so many women out there who are searching for God! Thank you for your consideration. To donate, go to our Support page.
The Firstfruits Team
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