The Etch-a-Sketch
This time of year reminds me of one of my favorite childhood toys, the Etch–a-Sketch.
I had a love/hate relationship with my Etch-a-Sketch. I found it fascinating to try to draw an accurate depiction of anything other than a square or rectangle. Trying to make a perfect circle drove me insane, but I kept trying. When it got to be too much, I would take out my frustrations by just turning it upside down and shaking the daylights out of it. Then, I would start the process all over again.
Resolve, determination, failure, frustration, repeat.
With the turning of the calendar page last week we’ve begun a new year. Out with the old and in with the new. We can shake the daylights out of the picture we were in and resolve to start anew. With resolutions we often end up like I did with my Etch–a-Sketch, in failure and frustration unless we invite a power greater than ourselves into our picture making.
When we resolve to let God lead our hands (and everything else) it becomes more of an evolution than a resolution, a slow process of creation in partnership with the One who knows the twists and turns that are necessary to shape the life He has intended for us.
Eating less, exercising more. Spending less, giving more. Showing up on time, calling your mother-in-law more often, and cleaning the top of the refrigerator on a regular basis are all honorable resolutions. But I challenge you as I challenge myself to a deeper New Year’s evolution.
Prayerfully consider what God might be calling you to work on, with Him, these next twelve months.
Is He calling you to meet Him through the study of His word? Come join us for Weekly Word on Monday mornings.
Is He urging you to take time away from the busyness and be still? Come join us for a mini-retreat on January 23.
Is He showing himself to you in a restlessness that isn’t going away? A nagging feeling that there is more to life? A feeling that there is a deeper purpose for your life? Come join us for the Called and Gifted Workshop starting February 5 on Tuesday mornings or Saturday mornings.
Resolve to evolve this new year. Listen to the promptings and act on them.
Shake off the excuses, come to God with a clean slate, and join Him as He etches and sketches the abundant life He has waiting for you.
We’ll be waiting for you!
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