Answers in the Night

Turn the calendar page tomorrow and surprise, it’s March already. I can’t believe it. And what’s even harder to believe is that Lent starts on Wednesday. That time of year again when our thoughts turn to prayer, penance, and almsgiving, the hallmarks of Lent. We are supposed to give up something for these forty days. Doesn’t it sort of feel like we have been living in Lent for about two years now? The pandemic has forced us to give up a lot so I feel like self-denial isn’t as big a stretch this year. I’ve decided this Lent to DO something that is a stretch and a challenge instead. The question was, what would that be? The answer came after a lot of tossing and turning, literally. Every once in a while, my internal clock goes haywire and I find myself awake most of the night. It happened earlier this week. I remembered someone in one of the Firstfruits sessions say that she often uses her restless nights as opportunities to talk to God. I used the first four hours of my restless night as an opportunity to worry about the fact that I wasn’t sleeping, fret about everything I needed to do the next day and would be too tired to do, construct long overdue conversations with people who upset me years ago, re-live mistakes, and just catastrophize about pretty much everything. Then around five o’clock I remembered what I heard at Firstfruits and decided a chat with God was about the only thing I hadn’t done. So, I started chatting and He heard me. I told God that I was tired of all the stressing, worrying, controlling, fixing, planning, and judging. There had to be an easier way to live. There had to be more peaceful approach to life. That’s when I “heard” it. My marching orders. Just love and let me do the rest. It sounds so simple but it isn’t so simple to do. It’s going to take way more discipline than giving up chocolate. I’ve been practicing for three days now and seem to be holding my own. Throughout the day, when I am tempted to worry, control, judge, or fix I repeat those words to myself. Then I try to find ways to love. Since doing this I have found myself calmer and more receptive to the good around me. The hardest part is trusting God that He WILL do the...

Hidden In Trees

Three years ago, my husband talked me into downsizing from our house of 20 years to a condo. It made a lot of sense intellectually. There were quite a few large and costly maintenance projects that needed to be done and it was simply just more house than we needed now that it’s just the two of us. Emotionally, however, it wasn’t as clear cut, at least for me. The old house had a beautiful, private yard surrounded by giant pine trees. It was a haven for all kinds of wildlife. It was my haven. But, as God so often does, He answered my prayers with a new place for us that softened the blow. We ended up in a lovely space with wonderful neighbors, and a real bonus. Right outside our deck is a gate and through that gate is a parking lot that I walk across and I am at Firstfruits. Coincidence? I think not. Three years in, I’m doing ok. I really don’t like complaining about God’s provisions but it is exactly that same parking lot that has me a bit unsettled. When I look out my bedroom window and see asphalt instead of pine trees, I find myself pining. I never realized how much my sense of peace and deep joy is tied in with nature, especially animals. God made me that way so I count on him to provide what I need. And he never disappoints. After all the leaves fell from the trees this fall to unveil the dreaded parking lot, I noticed a squirrel nest in the big tree right outside my bedroom window. I also noticed through the blinds each morning a shadow scurry past. It always seemed to be around the same time, six forty-one on my clock. So, one morning I got up at six thirty-six, opened the blinds and sat on the edge of my bed and waited. Sure enough, at six forty-one a small head poked out of the nest. It climbed to a nearby branch and began stretching like a yogi, then scurried down the tree and was off to do whatever it is squirrels do all day. (See picture above.)  I gasped and just started grinning. I felt somehow God was in this. It was a gift for me from a God who cares. This same ritual goes on every morning. That squirrel and I rise to meet the day together. It’s a...

The Heart of the Matter

My cholesterol levels tend to run borderline high regardless of how much flax seed I sprinkle in my daily oatmeal or hot fudge sundaes I deprive myself of. At my last physical my doctor suggested I get a heart scan. She thought why not, it’s easy, inexpensive, and lets you know if there are any calcium deposits that could be a sign of future blockages. It’s a good indicator of the state of your heart. Sounded wise to me, so I called to make the appointment, and the next available slot was on February 14, Valentine’s Day. How ironic, an assessment of my heart on Valentine’s Day. That’s about as romantic as my life gets. Maybe I’ll ask my husband to drive me to the appointment and make it a real date! In the Bible we often hear Jesus warning people against hardening their hearts. He often accused the Scribes and Pharisees of having hardened hearts which resulted in their inability to see him for who He was which ultimately led to his death. He also accused those closest to him of the same malady. A hardening of heart caused even the apostles to doubt and question Jesus in spite of the fact that they witnessed first-hand, his healings and miracles. His saving presence. Hardening of heart seems to be something we are all susceptible to and something we need to take seriously. Join me this Valentine’s Day in a heart scan. Let’s scan our hearts for signs of hardness. Those things that have deposited slowly over time that we might not be aware of and, left to accumulate, can cause serious blockage. Unforgiveness, resentment, and jealousy that block us from loving. Heart ache, heart break, and suffering that block us from trusting again. Unbelief, arrogance, and self-righteousness that block us from the humility needed to surrender to a loving God. We’ve been warned. Don’t put it off any longer. Find those hardened places and let the healing presence of Jesus soften them back to health. Then go have a hot fudge sundae with extra hot fudge. Joan...

Love Never Fails

Our son is the head of a boys’ basketball program at a local high school. He’s a little short staffed so he has “hired” my trusted Firstfruits partner Mary, my sister Debbie, and me as his Directors of Basketball Operations this year. Impressive, isn’t it? Our duties include: Working the concession stand on occasion, selling spirit wear at home games, decorating the locker room, and scheduling choral students to sing the National Anthem. I find all of this to be a fun diversion from my duties at Firstfruits. I don’t think God minds. This week the Friday night game was Parent’s Night. At Parent’s Night each mom or dad gets a flower from their son. So as Director of Basketball Operations, I got the call to procure fifty flowers. I take my job very seriously. You will recall last week’s blog about the buckle in the rug? I like things nice and right. Come game day, I picked up the flowers I ordered. I wasn’t really happy with the color selection the store gave me, so I spent more time than I want to admit rethinking the color scheme. When I got home, I opened all the bundles of prepackaged flowers to fluff them up a bit and realized a number of the stems were slightly bent, so I went back to the store and bought another bundle. Again, spending more time than I want to admit deciding what color. I got them all separated and fluffed and ready to go in a nice bucket of water. My husband was going to take them to the high school when he went for the pre-game practice. He is my son’s assistant coach. I didn’t trust him to get them in the car without dropping the bucket, so I made sure to secure them myself as he rolled his eyes. Fast forward to the pre-game event. I watched with pride as the Freshman, JV, and Varsity boys handed the flowers to their moms or dads. Always a bit of a tear jerker. All was well. Or was it? Half way into the game, my friend Mary, who was well aware of the saga of the flowers, tapped me on the shoulder and pointed over to the bleachers on our left. (See the picture above) I laughed, and I thought about crying. Immediately I knew there was a message, and a blog, in those abandoned bunches of flowers. Because I know God...

A Buckle in the Rug

In Well Time this week we were talking about spiritual practices or disciplines and how they   can become so rote that they no longer provide our spiritual muscles with the challenge and the boost that they need to maintain, let alone grow, in vitality and strength. A spiritual life that has lost its vitality is something I bet we all have experienced at one time or another. If that is where you are now, it’s time to try a new exercise. Last week I mentioned a spiritual practice called Visio Divina and included the instructional steps for this practice along with some sample images. I hope you were able to try it. As Step 2 of Visio Divina says “God is luring you to a treasure meant just for you.”  That really piqued my curiosity so I have begun doing this practice regularly. I chose the picture above for my reflection time this week. It is The Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner. I was drawn to how “normal” Mary looks and how unusual the angel Gabriel is portrayed. Just a bright white light. I could really put myself into this setting. What really amazed me though, was what I ended up fixating on as I meditated on this image. It wasn’t the ethereal Gabriel. It wasn’t the beauty of Mary’s innocent yet courageous face. It wasn’t her choice of comfort over style in her bed clothes. It was the buckle in the rug. Step 3 of Visio Divina says “Meditate on the part of the picture that has drawn your attention. How is God speaking to you? Why do you think God drew your attention to this particular part? Is a message conveyed that pertains to your life today?” That buckle in the rug is unsettling to me. I want so badly to straighten it out. I want her to straighten it out? What is wrong with her? Can’t she see that? There is a messenger from God in her bedroom. Straighten the rug! Hmm…maybe there is a message God is trying to convey to me. Have I missed my visits from his messengers because I was too busy straitening the rug? What are the distractions that lure me away from the presence of the holy and the divine that visits me each day? Why do I let myself get distracted? Am I afraid of something? Am I unable to grasp the power and the love in those visits?...

Seeing With Your Heart

I learned something new this week from my friend Jane. I love it when I am made aware of something I never knew anything about. Especially when that thing has the potential to bring me peace, grow my prayer life, and open my eyes to a new way of connecting with my God. Also, it’s free and I can do it without leaving home which is a bonus these days. Have I piqued your curiosity? Most of you have probably heard of a prayer practice called Lectio Divina. According to Wikipedia, Lectio Divina (Latin for "Divine Reading") is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word. But have you ever heard of Visio Divina? By definition, Visio Divina, or “sacred seeing”, is an ancient form of prayer that continues to be a powerful method of meditation. Art becomes the sacrament that opens our hearts to the indwelling Spirit of God. The visible makes the invisible present in a palpable way. In another definition it said “Visio Divina is seeing with the eyes of your heart.” Jane sent me some pictures that she found were powerful for her in her practice of Visio Divina. I shared one of them above. For some reason that black and white photo of the lion and the little girl moved me. Feeling safe and cared for is high on the list of my emotional needs. I’m a pretty big scaredy cat at heart. When I have a choice to make in life, I always take the safe route. I admire those adventurous, free-spirt types. I picked responsible over romantic in the husband department. I picked Rockford, Illinois over many other choices for my Medical Technology internship after college because it was closest to home. (No offense to anyone who is from Rockford, but it’s not a real exciting place.) It’s well-done over rare for my burgers and I never sit in the front seat of a roller coaster. Get the picture? I saw in this image what I need and the eyes of my heart showed me that I have it. I have the safety and the care I need in the power and the love of God. I can relax, I can let go. I want to live in the shadow of that power and love, always, like that little girl. Oh wait, I do. So do you. Joan *I encourage you to try Visio Divina yourself...

Sideways Santa

Happy New Year! Here’s to hoping this new year really is happy and free of anything that resembles a mask, a needle, or my husband. Just kidding. Actually, our intense time together, since he retired a month before Covid hit, has taught me a lot about myself. When I was brave enough to look deep inside. This is the time of year when we are encouraged to look deep inside or outside and make some changes, some resolutions. That isn’t always an easy thing to do. It’s so much easier to blame the people and the circumstances around us for whatever challenges we are facing ,than to fess up to our own part in them. As the end of the year was approaching, I started pondering more regularly what I would like to be rid of in order to make a fresh start come 2022. I asked myself, “What am I contributing to my own angst?” With all the challenges of the last year, it has felt so stifling, so claustrophobic. It feels like life has been lived in a very small space. The smallness of it all gets to me frequently. I can become very discontent. I asked myself, “How can I change that?  What would free me? What would help me live life in a bigger, airier, alive space where contentment abounds?” The answer was right there on my Christmas tree. A sideways Santa. (See the picture.) All the ornaments on our tree are meticulously placed, by me, to make sure they hang right, they are spaced evenly, and there is variation in their placement. Heaven forbid there are two bells next to each other or two snowmen. There was one Santa ornament that no matter how I placed him, twisted him, or tied him, he wouldn’t hang straight. He insisted on facing sideways. It bothered me a lot. For a while the beauty of the rest of the tree was hidden from me by my need for order. My need for things to be right, according to me. As I was pondering one day, it dawned on me. That sideways Santa was the perfect illustration of just what I need to change to feel the freedom I am looking for. To make a fresh start. I need to be content with imperfection in things and in people. I need to train myself to always see first the beauty and rightness and goodness around me, that is,...

Let the Light In

__________ Christmas! Go ahead, fill in the blank. What adjective would you use to describe Christmas this year? Merry, scary, wary, contrary? Sad, mired, troubled, tired? Whatever it is, it’s ok. You don’t have to be merry. You have the freedom to let the activities and the experiences of the coming week be as they will be. We are told to “fake it till we make it” or “choose joy” so often as encouragement when things are hard, but sometimes, it just doesn’t work. It’s just not possible. And that is ok. No matter how hard we try, the room is just too dark. That is until we let the Light in. Light and darkness can’t coexist. When you walk into a dark room and turn a light on, there is no more darkness. Even the faint glow of a candle when lit, dispels the darkness. Displaces the darkness. Removes some darkness. This coming week we celebrate the birth of the Light that dispels the darkness. With the birth of Jesus comes the promise of light, and in the glow of that light lives hope, peace, and love. We need to let that Light in. Even just a small flicker can be just what we need to see things more clearly. How do we do that? Watch for the flickers of goodness around you. They are there. Watch for the flickers of love. They are there. Watch for the flickers of kindness. They are there. And when you see them or feel them… BELIEVE them. They are a gift to you. ____________ Christmas! Joan...

Tiny Hand of God

Our daughter and her husband are expecting their first baby, and our seventh grandbaby, in early May. She went for her twenty-week ultrasound yesterday and brought over the pictures. There was one that stood out from the others. A tiny hand. (See below) She said it reminded her of God’s hand in the Michelangelo painting The Creation of Adam. (See above) I’d have to agree! What a moment of joy I had with her entertaining the thought of God’s hand in the creation of this little hand. Joy is the focus this third week of Advent. Our conversations at Firstfruits centered around joy as we studied the readings for this coming Sunday, Gaudete Sunday, as it is called. Joy is different than happiness. Happiness is transient and dependent on circumstances. Happiness comes and goes. Joy is permanent, at least it can be. Where God is, joy is. So why don’t we feel that joy that is available to us always, even in suffering? We came to the conclusion that so often we sabotage this joy that is present all around us. Often joy comes on the tail of sacrifice. Great joy is experienced when we put others’ needs and wants ahead of our own. Ask any mom or dad of a young child. Ask any caregiver. Ask any teacher.  But we can tend to focus on the sacrifice and not on the joy. Our egos and our need for things to be fair lead us to resentment rather than joy. When we do reach outside of ourselves and tend to those in need, so often there are tender and otherwise unnoticed moments of pure joy. Often joy comes on the tail of suffering, and who wants to suffer? Our first course of action when we are suffering is to alleviate it as soon as possible and with any means available. But if we can see the sad and fearful times as an invitation to let God in, then we find that His presence brings with it a peaceful joy that permeates the hurt and scared places. Often joy comes on the tail of surrender. We want to hang on to whatever control we think we have and do things our way, but if we can wave the white flag and open wide the door of our will, and our control to God, along comes a freedom and with it that joy. When we let God in, we let joy in. But...

The Thrill of Hope

There has been a lot of talk about hope at Firstfruits this week. Being Advent, the scriptures we discussed in Weekly Word centered around hope. The topic at Well Time and More this week was Practicing Hope. At each Well Time and More day, we provide women with the opportunity for a chair massage and this week we had a new massage therapist. Guess what her name was? Yes, you guessed it…. Hope. A common thread in all of our reflections on hope was how hard it is to define it. We have experienced it but can’t quite articulate just what it is. Is it the same as trust? Is it wishful thinking? Where does it come from? Can you really lose it, or just fail to use it? See what I mean. It’s a bit confounding. So, I turned to scripture for clues on just what hope is. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.                                    Romans 15:13 Sounds like believing is a precursor to hope. “For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."                                  Jeremiah 29:11 Hope is a gift and a blessing from God. Jan Richardson, author, artist, poet and ordained minister has some real, raw and relevant reflections on hope.  Following the sudden death of her husband, Jan writes: On this strange path of grief, I have found hope to be a curiously stubborn creature. it is persistent. It visits when I least expect it. It shows up when I haven’t been looking for it. Even when it seems like hope should be a stranger, there is something deeply familiar about it. If I open my eyes to it, I know its face, even when I do not know where it is leading me. Though hope may sometimes seem like a luxury—frivolous, groundless, insubstantial—it is precisely the opposite. Hope is elemental. It is made of some of the strongest stuff in the universe. It endures. Hope does not depend on our mood, our disposition, our desire. Hope does not wait until we are ready for it, until we have prepared ourselves for its arrival. It does not hold itself apart from us until we have worked through the worst of our sorrow, our anger, our fear. This is...