God Lenses
My husband asked me to go with him last weekend to pick out new eye glasses. That’s considered a date for us old married couples. Something new and exciting to do on a Saturday afternoon. Sad but true. He ended up getting glasses that look just like the ones he was replacing. I was hoping he would go for something wild and out of the box like maybe brown frames instead of black. But alas, you can take the man out of the bank but you can’t take the banker out of the man. He did do something kind of radical however. He opted for the transition lenses. The ones that gradually turn dark as you transition from indoors to outdoors. Dark to light and vice versa. They adapt to whatever environment you find yourself in. You don’t have to even think about it. It just happens. They keep you protected and help you adapt to sudden changes. Life is a series of changes, transitions, some more painful than others. Some transitions are common and to be expected: marriage, childbirth, menopause, the empty nest, retirement, and the golden years. Others are forced on us: divorce, unemployment, loss of a spouse, miscarriage, and acute or chronic illness. All these situations require courage to accept the change, trust in an unknown and hope for something better. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were a type of lens we could put on that would see us through life’s transitions? That would protect us and help us adapt to the inevitable changes life sends our way? There is such a thing and its available, without a prescription, to anyone who wants it. We just need to begin to see life through God lenses. See that every “end” is really a new beginning. That in the midst of all the change, one thing is constant and immutable and that is the presence and the love of God. That is where the courage, the trust and the hope come from. Fall is nature, transitioning. The sights and sounds and smells of autumn remind us of the beauty that is part of change. It trains us year after year to see the purpose in change and helps us trust and hope in what is to come. Eventually there will be new life again. We see it year after year after year. We can rest knowing there will be blooms again in Spring. The God...
Soul Density
I’ve been taking good care of myself lately. I had my yearly checkup, my annual mammogram, and a trip to the dentist, all in one week. Woohoo! I did have to add one new medical test to my repertoire this year. It’s probably the least stressful medical diagnostic test you can have, a bone density test. You just lay there for ten minutes and stare at the ceiling. No squishing, poking, scraping, or drilling involved. Why can’t they all be like that? The purpose of a bone density test is pretty self-explanatory. It measures how dense your bones are. The denser the better. Keeping your bones healthy with exercise and plenty of calcium and Vitamin D in your diet keeps you strong and less likely to suffer bone breaks when you experience stress to your body. And the trauma doesn’t necessarily have to be severe. My mom broke her hip getting down off of a chair and my mother-in-law broke a hip while mini-golfing with my son and his friend! (Side note: The most traumatizing moment of the ordeal for the boys wasn’t when the ambulance came for my mother-in-law. It was when grandpa showed up in shorts and cowboy boots because he was so flustered when he got the call he just grabbed whatever shoes he could find.?) Ordinary, everyday life can be the stress that causes our brokenness if we aren’t healthy, spiritually healthy that is. How dense is your soul? How healthy and strong is it? Do you exercise your soul and feed it what it needs to be healthy and strong so that when life presents you with trauma, stress, and challenges you don’t break? My bone density showed that I don’t have osteoporosis but I don’t have nice dense bones either. I need to up my intake of calcium and Vitamin D. I need to become more serious and intentional about exercise and feeding my bones what they need to insure they will get me to the finish line. The same can be said for our souls. I stopped at the Vitamin Shoppe on my way home from my appointment and stocked up on calcium and Vitamin D. I hope you’ll consider stopping at Firstfruits and stocking up on what you need to feed your soul. Firstfruits is like the Vitamin Shoppe for the soul. We have all kinds of soul boosters at Firstfruits this fall. Our first mini-retreat of the new season...
Ball Bearings and Baguettes
Have you ever gone to the hardware store for a loaf of bread? “Of course not” you say, but I bet you have. I know I have, figuratively speaking that is. I first heard the saying “You’re going to the hardware store for a loaf of bread” a year ago. It really got me thinking. You don’t go to the hardware store for a loaf of bread because it doesn’t make sense. Everyone knows you don’t find bread at the hardware store. If you go looking for it there you will end up frustrated, disappointed, and empty handed. If it’s bread you need, go where you are sure you’ll find bread. I realized I go to the hardware store for a loaf of bread every time I put unrealistic expectations on the people in my life. When I look for them to give me what they do not have to give. Sometimes, not only do I go to the hardware store for a loaf of bread but I refuse to leave when I realize there is no bread. I get angry and resentful that I can’t get what I need from the person that I expect it from. When I look for affirmation, validation, happiness, and a sense of well-being from anywhere or anyone other than God, I find myself frustrated, disappointed, and empty. People will always disappoint. God won’t. He wants to provide all that we need and keep us from looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. The bread we need to look for is the bread of life. In John 6:35 Jesus says “I am the bread of life, he who comes to me shall not hunger, and he who believes in me shall not thirst.” That’s a promise. The God I know doesn’t break a promise. So, whatever it is you are hungry and thirsty for look to God to satisfy. Stay out of the hardware store, even if there is an 11% rebate on everything! Joan...
The Not So Merry, Go-Round
Whew, I made it through the summer with minimal time spent at the Midway with the grandkids. I wasn’t meant for amusement park rides. It’s an inner ear thing or just a strong desire to be in control of my bodily functions but I struggle with anything that moves in a circle at high speeds. Just the thought of a Tilt-O-Whirl right now has me reaching for the Dramamine. But for the sake of an analogy, I want to talk about the merry-go-round. A merry-go-round is a perfect analogy for our lives. Some of us are adventurous and ride on the horses and thrive on the ups and downs while others play it safe within the gondolas. Regardless of where we are situated, the fact is often life feels like we are just going around and around. Caught up in survival rather than the abundant life God wants for us. In the olden days every merry-go-round had a brass ring suspended over one of the horses or in more modern times, a metal arm that swung out next to the carousel where multiple rings were dispensed as riders passed by and grabbed them. Most of them were made of iron but occasionally there would be a brass one. If you grabbed the brass ring you received a prize. Usually a free ride. (Which for me would be torture.) The brass ring is there to offer riders a chance at a prize. And it is a chance. As with any chance in life you have to take a bit of a risk in that you have to reach out and grab it. There’s the possibility you might fail or fall, how humiliating! But how exciting to achieve the prize. Makes it worth the risk. I like to think that on the merry-go-round of life God is our brass ring. As we go around and around, God is there at every turn waiting for us to reach out. He gives us constant recurring chances to grab him, to grab on to his promises of love, faithfulness, forgiveness, and care to name just a few. And the chance to win the ultimate prize of an abundant life now and eternal life to come. We have to snap out of our complacency and the trance we find ourselves in as we allow the repetitive din of the world’s pipe organ music that prevents us from hearing the divine invitation to...
First What?
People often ask “What does ‘Firstfruits’ mean?” “Why did you pick that name?” “Shouldn’t it be spelled ‘First Fruits’?” I’ve even gotten an email asking if we were a produce co-op. I thought that since we are starting our eighth year of Firstfruits this fall and celebrating one year in our new home in Elm Grove, maybe it’s time I explained our name. (Oh, and by the way, mark your calendars for the evening of Thursday, October 18. You’re invited to a Firstfruits Anniversary “Fun”raiser at our new home! Details to follow.) “Firstfruits” is a biblical term. As mentioned in the Old Testament, firstfruits were the best of the harvest given to God. They signaled more to come and were sacrificially given as a sign of reverence and obedience. In 1Corinthians in the New Testament Jesus is referred to as the firstfruits of the resurrection. His ultimate sacrifice in obedience redeemed us and made way for more to come as we too can experience resurrection and eternal life as we trust in him. It’s also mentioned in the book of Romans that as redeemed children of God we possess the firstfruits of the Holy Spirit, the best of the Holy Spirit which is a foretaste of the many other blessings that are to come. This notion of firstfruits stuck with me. The idea that we are to give of the best of what we have and what we are to God really challenged me. I knew I wasn’t giving God my best. Often, I was giving him what was left. I’d give him a couple minutes at the end of a busy day in prayer. I’d give him the change that was left in my wallet as the basket was passed in church. I’d eke out a bit of compassion and a halfhearted hug for a needy co-worker who needed more. Not my best. I wasn’t giving God my best, my firstfruits, because I didn’t really know this God I was supposed to be giving to. I needed to get to know God. As I began to seek him out he let me find him and what I found has changed me forever. The love, forgiveness, tender care, and compassion motivates me to give my best. I don’t always succeed but trying has become a priority. This season at Firstfruits we want to help you find God. Whether you’re beginning the search, deepening the search, or totally confused about...
Florence’s God
I’ve been thinking about a woman I knew named Ruth. I’ve mentioned Ruth in a past blog but she’s worth mentioning again. I was at a luncheon at a friend’s house and Ruth was there sitting at the kitchen island. I didn’t know Ruth really well. I had only spoken to her a couple of times before but she was one of those people who you feel like you’ve known all your life even if it’s only been all of three weeks. Ruth had a deep faith life. She knew and loved God and it showed. I walked over to her and said “hi” and the next sentence that came out of her mouth has found a permanent place in my heart and echoes in my ears time and time again. She leaned in to me, and with a big smile on her face she said “So, tell me about the God YOU know.” Needless to say, no one had ever asked me that before or since. And that is too bad because that inquiry led to an amazing conversation on an average day at noon in the middle of a kitchen full of unsuspecting women chatting over chicken salad and croissants. It was such a freeing experience for me. I think that is why it has stuck with me. I was given the opportunity to talk to someone about the God of my understanding as limited as that understanding was. Someone who didn’t judge me, correct me, or try to influence me. Someone who just smiled, listened, and encouraged me with her acceptance. This coming season of Firstfruits we are going to invite you, as Ruth invited me, to tell us about the God you know, or don’t know, or wish you knew. We want to provide a place for you to be honest and open about your relationship with God and feel the same freedom that comes from acceptance. I’m writing this blog on my birthday. My mom always made sure us kids felt special on our birthdays. That included describing in detail the day of our arrival into this world. That was one of the things that made me the saddest when my mom passed away. I didn’t hear that story from the author anymore. As part of my story she would always recount how when she was in labor with me she prayed to God and said “You better give me a good one.”...
When the Cloud Moves
When the Cloud Moves Last summer was a busy one for me. Our youngest daughter got married at the same time we were remodeling the space for Firstfruits in Elm Grove. (By the way, if you still are enjoying Firstfruits remotely online and haven’t stopped in to our new space yet, please do. It’s an amazing witness to God’s faithfulness and just a nice, cozy place to hang out.) So as this summer was approaching I was looking forward to practicing what I preach. That is, taking a Sabbath rest. You’ve been reading all about it in the guest blogs the last few months. Spending more quiet time in prayer. Taking the time to be more aware of God’s presence in the midst of our daily tasks. Being in the moment. I was doing well...
A Different Kind of Rest
So I’m resting with God this summer. How about you? How’s it going? I’m realizing His idea of resting and mine are very different. My idea of rest is feet up, eyes closed, and mind chatter on pause. (If I’m lucky.) When I rest with Him, I’m finding that doesn’t mean I stop completely. Sometimes it means quiet contemplative moments, but more often than not, resting with Him can happen when my feet are on the ground, my eyes open and aware and my mind focused. But it seems to be more focused on very simple things. Life goes on, but in a simpler way when I rest with Him. And I like that. It feels peaceful and serene. Feels like true rest. Imagine that, feeling restful and active at the same time. My rest took me to a family gathering in Chicago last weekend where my heart and my soul were rejuvenated by the happiness I witnessed on my niece’s face. She’s been through a hard time and to see her happy again was rest for me. Sometimes resting with Him brings relief and joy. My rest this week found me playing Motor Boat with my grandkids in the swimming pool. Lots of squeals, smiles and an unsolicited “I love you Num Num.” (That’s Grandma in our family.) Sometimes resting with Him brings laughter and love. Yesterday my rest brought me to a luncheon sponsored by Pius XI Catholic High School. While I indulged in a dish of creme brûlée, I listened to a panel of successful alumni women leaders talk about the importance of not letting fear of failure stifle creativity, and the necessity of not going it alone. Just what my weary Executive Director soul needed to hear. Sometimes resting with Him brings restoration. God revives and restores us through our everyday experiences if we rest with Him. He takes us to places of rest and people who feed our souls. Fills our days with joy, laughter, love and motor boats! Resting with Him, Joan ...
Summer Sabbath Rest
Do you think God ever takes a break from us? Come summer he decides he needs a few months off from the busyness and pressure of maintaining his relationship with us? But promises to start it up again in fall. Isn’t that what we do every year around now? I’m guilty of it. We put a lot of time and effort into opportunities to grow in our faith from September to early May. Really ramping it up during Lent and peaking at Easter. Then there is this slow, steady priority shift. Regular attendance at our weekly bible study or prayer group slips a bit. Daily quiet morning meditation time isn’t quite daily anymore. There’s a lot on our minds. A lot of events to plan and attend. Mothers Day, First Communion and Graduations, to name a few. A lot of end of the school year festivities. And a lot of shopping. Teachers need gifts. Patio furniture needs new cushions. My bathing suit shrunk! Before we know it, all that discipline we worked so hard to learn and master, to grow in our faith and connection to God, is overwhelmed. We can tend to fall back into our old ways so easily. Before we know it, motherhood is a grind, not a blessing. Anxiety is our constant companion. The glass is half empty. Fear and worry have pitched a tent in the backyard. Firstfruits wants to help you keep that connection to God that you worked on all year. Sometimes that connection involves resting with God. We thought that would be a great focus for the summer months ahead. Through my blogs and some guest blogs we are going to delve into just what Sabbath rest means, and how to help each other find that rest with God, not from God, this summer. We will also continue our Tuesday evening prayer group from 6:45-7:45pm and Weekly Word scripture series on Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:30 over the summer. Come join us when you can. Aren’t you glad God doesn’t take the summer off? Let’s make this summer a holy one, together, so by September you’ll be wanting S’more! I’ll bring the sunscreen. Joan...
A Woman’s Heart
The royal wedding had us all captivated last week. A real-life fairy tale, complete with princes and princesses, Queens, carriages, and horsemen. Funny, I don’t recall any pumpkins or fat mice in robes though. The women I have talked to who watched the ceremony all describe moments of holding back tears and lumps in their throats. The men don’t seem to have the same reaction. They can’t seem to wrap their male brains around how watching an event involving people you don’t know in a faraway place can be so touching, so moving as to elicit such deep emotions. (Need we remind them of the shouting on Packer Sundays?) We have to trust that God knew what he was doing when he created man and woman. We are both created in God’s image and likeness so there is a beauty and a holiness inherent in both sexes. It’s just so frustratingly different! John and Stasi Eldridge wrote a book entitled Captivating-Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman’s Soul. In it they talk about the basic differences between men and women in terms of our deepest question. For men that question is, “Do I have what it takes?” For women that question is, “Am I captivating?” The following is an excerpt from the book. "Every woman was once a little girl. And every little girl holds in her heart her most precious dreams. She longs to be swept up into a romance, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, to be the beauty of the story. Those desires are far more than child’s play. And yet, how many women do you know who ever find that life? She finds no romance except in novels, no adventure except on television, and she doubts very much that she will ever be the beauty in any tale. Many women think they have to settle for a life of efficiency and duty, chores, and errands, striving to be the woman they ought to be but often feeling they have failed. But her heart is still there. Sometimes when she watches a movie (or a royal wedding), sometimes in the wee hours of the night, her heart begins to speak again. A thirst rises within her to find the life she was meant to live, the life she dreamed of as a little girl. Your heart matters more than anything else in creation. The desires you had as a little girl and the longings...